Getting Started with Casava

A crash course on Casava and how it works

3 min readApr 26, 2021

What is Casava?

Casava is an insurtech platform protecting you and everything you love with one affordable and easy-to-use subscription. We’re simplifying the insurance process and making sure we’re there for you when something goes wrong without experiencing any hurdles or leaving you stranded.

What Casava Protects— Your Income

Casava is pioneering Nigeria’s first Income Protection Insurance to protect employees from the financial impact of job loss. With Casava’s Income Protection you can insure your income and get paid monthly for 6 months if you lose your job.

Who is Income Protection Insurance For?

If you were laid off today, would you be able to survive on savings, or benefits (if any)? If not, you’ll need some other way to keep paying the bills and might want to consider an income protection plan. Income protection insurance is a financial safety net designed to ensure you receive a regular income if you lose your job so you can focus on getting another.

How Casava Works

We cover two types of job loss:

Dismissal — We’ll protect you from involuntary loss of employment due to dismissal from work for reasons outside your control.

Business Closure — We’ll be here if you are out of a job because your place of work shut down.

Casava doesn’t cover voluntary resignation, salary delays, pay cuts, termination due to employee misconduct.

What Casava Offers

Income benefits up to N2,000,000. When you’re creating an Income Protection plan, we’ll recommend 3 cover packages for you — 30%, 50% or 75% of your monthly income. You pay a percentage of your preferred cover as a premium; monthly or annually.

Let’s take a look at a N100k monthly income:

Casava’s Terms & Conditions

To enjoy access to our Income Insurance on Casava, here are a few requirements you need to meet:

  1. Be employed full time
  2. Earn at least N30,000
  3. Be aged 18 years and above
  4. Live and work in Nigeria

What we’ll need from you:

  1. A valid means of identification
  2. Your employment letter
  3. Salary account statement — we will automatically generate this for you with your consent
  4. Employer information — company name & address
  5. Monthly salary details — we’ll use this to curate your personalized income insurance plan

We’ll keep every information you share with us private and confidential.

How to Start Insuring Your Income

  1. Log on to our web app here
  2. Give us some information such as your name, employer & salary info
  3. Tell us how much you’ll like us to pay you if you lose your job
  4. Select a cover and premium that’s convenient for you
  5. Begin one-month free trial

We’ll ask for your payment information to begin your free trial so that should in case you decide to keep your policy after your free trial, it’ll be easier for you to do so. You can also cancel for free at any time within 30 days.

Filing Claims with Casava

We’ve taken steps to digitize the Casava claims process. You can file a claim and begin receiving your benefits from your dashboard. You’ll have to wait 4 months and have an active subscription before you’re eligible to claim. When you file a claim, your benefits will be paid to you monthly. This means if you bought a cover worth N180,000, you’ll receive N30,000 monthly for 6 months.

We hope this crash course has been helpful and that you’re now ready to use Casava. If you have any questions or concerns that are not answered here, please visit our FAQs or send us a message at and we’ll be happy to help!

Remember, your first-month premium is on us! Signup here.

