Casava in the life of Zainab

Casava in the life is a series of stories from our users openly talking about their careers and how they are making the most of Casava.

2 min readJul 27, 2021

Zainab is a Customer Experience Manager who has become professionally confident over the years. While Zainab has never lost her job, she recognizes the threat of job loss and has taken steps to ensure that she’s not thrown into a state of confusion if it ever happens.

Our conversation with Zainab tells us that financial security is essential for gaining more confidence in yourself.

Catch up…

Hi Zainab, what’s your career been like?

I am a Customer Experience Manager with six years of experience. I started my professional journey as a Contact Centre Professional, then became a Team Lead, before advancing to Supervisor. After three years of doing this, I made a career switch and became a Customer Service Officer with an Asset Management firm, then with a Merchant Bank. As of now, I have been promoted to Assistant Team Lead.

Wow, that’s quite the journey. Have you ever been laid off from work?

Fortunately, I have never been fired or made redundant from a job. I’ve only moved from one to another.

What’s your biggest fear about being laid off from work today?

If this had happened before the start of 2018, I would have been thrown into a state of confusion. I however believe I have been able to build a small portfolio that will be able to sustain me for a few months current lifestyle. My fear is that I will not be able to pay bills without requesting support from my family and friends.

What motivated you to get income protection?

A friend told me about Casava and mentioned that she knows I have always been big on means to improve and secure my standard of living in case of unforeseen circumstances.

What does income protection mean for you?

It’s a way for me to protect my precious salary from job loss and that is something I feel is necessary for every employee.

What’s one thing you like about Casava?

I like the fact that they always reach out to me to check if I have any issues or questions that have not been attended to.

Would you share Casava with a friend?

Yes, I’ll be recommending this service to friends and colleagues as I believe this is helpful for the emergency of job loss.

If you had a day free to yourself, what would you do with it?

Lool, I wish this will happen. If it ever happens, I will be spending the time catching up on a lot of reading I have missed.

Join Zainab and other Nigerians protecting their salary from unemployment with Casava’s Income Protection Plan. Get started here.

